
2-29 Grandma Irene

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Grandma Irene

  My Grandma Irene is coming to visit me next week.  I can't wait!  Grandma is a very interesting person.  She has traveled to many different places.   She is fun to listen to!  She also has great pictures of all of the places she has visited.

  Grandma Irene will be coming to our house on her way back from South America.  She promised me she will show me pictures of the places she has visited.  I'm most excited about seeing pictures from the rain forest.  She also will show me pictures of the giant ants she told me about when I talked to her on the phone last week.

  I have special things planned to do while Grandma Irene will be visiting.  I want to take her to the new display at the museum.  I know we will both enjoy that.  I also want to take her on long walks through the woods.  It will be our special time.  It will be a time when Grandma and I will share memories and make new memories.


Answer the questions below.


Grandma Irene is returning from

South America.

North America. 

Central America.


Grandma Irene has to many different places.


I talked to her on the phone last .


Grandma Irene saw giant .


Grandma has great of all the places she has visited. 
While Grandma Irene is visiting we will
visit the museum and library.

visit the art museum and walk in the parks.

visit the museum and go on long walks in the woods.

While in South America grandma visited
a lake.

a rainforest.

a stream.

This story is all about:
A grandma's pictures

A grandma's visit

A grandchild's book



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