
2-28 Making a Terrarium

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Making A Terrarium

  You can make and observe your own mini environment under glass.  It is called a terrarium.  A terrarium is a little world of living creatures.

  To make a terrarium you will need the following things: a large glass container, small pebbles, peat moss, charcoal chips (the type used in potting plants), sand, and potting soil.  You will need the following living things to put into your terrarium: plants (small ivy, ferns, mosses, lichens, seed plants).  If you would like, you can also add animals such as snails, earthworms, pill bugs, or salamanders.  You will also need a plant mister to mist the soil with water.

  In the bottom of the clean container place a one-inch layer of small pebbles.  Next, place about a half-inch of charcoal chips.  Mix together equal parts of peat moss, sand, and potting soil, and place a three-inch layer of this on top of the charcoal chips.

  You are now ready to arrange the plants you have chosen.  Make sure you do not plant too many plants because they need space to grow.  After planting the plants, spray the soil with the plant mister until it is moist.  If you want to add a few animals to your terrarium you can do so.  Now cover the terrarium by sealing it with a piece of glass or plastic.  Place it near a window and watch it grow!


Answer the questions below.


A terrarium is a 

a little world of living creatures.

a glass container. 

a garden.


The first thing to put into your terrarium is a one-inch layer of small .


Mix together equal parts of moss, sand, and potting soil.


After the plants have been planted spray the with the plant mister.


Cover the terrarium with a piece of or plastic.
What animals does the passage suggest you add to the terrarium?
earthworms and ants

snails and turtles

snails, earthworms, pill bugs, or salamanders

Do not plant too many plants because
they need space to grow.

the animals will eat them.

This passage is mostly about:
How to make your own terrarium

Problems you might have while making a terrarium

Plants and animals



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