
2-20 Benjamin Franklin

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Benjamin Franklin

  Benjamin Franklin was born into a family with many children and little money.  This did not bother Ben.  He loved learning, he liked to experiment, and he didn't mind working hard.  When he was a young man, he started a printing business, published a newspaper, and taught himself to read four different languages.

  During one of his experiments Ben flew a kite during a thunderstorm.  He wanted to prove that lightning is electricity.  Ben was one of the first people to make very important discoveries about electricity.  He also invented bifocal glasses, a clock, and the Franklin stove.

  Benjamin Franklin wrote a lot.  He wrote a book called an "almanac."  It is a book that comes out every year and is filled with lots of information.  The information is about all sorts of things.


Answer the questions below.


Benjamin Franklin didn't mind

working hard.

making money. 

his parents.


Ben Franklin taught himself to read different languages.


As a young man, he published a .


Ben flew a during a thunderstorm.


He proved that is electricity.


An almanac is a filled with lots of information.
Benjamin Franklin invented
bifocal glasses.

the light bulb.

the kite.

Benjamin Franklin wrote a famous book called an
electrical book.





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