
Our Moon

  The moon that you see in the night sky goes around the Earth.  Sometimes it's a full moon with a face.  Some people call it "the man in the moon." At other times it is a half moon.  Sometimes it is only a thin crescent, and other times you can't see it at all. When we don't see the moon at all, we call it a "new moon."  The different shapes of the moon are called the phases of the moon.

  The moon only seems to change shape.  It's always a big round ball.  We only see the part that is lit by the sun.  The moon does not shine.  It only seems to shine.  It is really light reflecting from the sun.

  There are no people, animals, or plants that live on the moon.  There is no water or air.  Astronauts who visited the moon had to wear special space suits to give them air to breathe.


Answer the questions below.


The moon goes

around the sun.

around the Earth. 

around the sun and Earth.


The "man in the moon" is seen in a moon.


When we don't see the moon at all it is called a " moon."


The moon is always a big ball.  It only seems to change shape.


The moon does not .


No people, plants, or live on the moon.

The moon has no or air.
The different shapes of the moon are called
the "man in the moon."

the faces in the moon.

the phases of the moon.

Astronauts wore special suits to give them
air to breathe.

water and air.




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