

  Dancing is moving to music.  People all around the world love to dance.  You can dance by moving in whatever way the music makes you feel.  Or you can do one of the many special kinds of dance, such as tap dancing, square dancing, or ballet.  Tap dancers have flat pieces of metal, called taps, on the bottoms of their shoes.  They quickly move their feet, and the metal taps make tap-taping noises as they dance.

  Square dancing is done when men and women stand in a square and listen to a "caller." A "caller" is a person who calls out what to do next.

  Ballet can tell a story.  In a ballet, there is music and no words.   An orchestra usually plays the music.  The dancers tell a story through the way they move.

  Ballet dancers have to practice for years to learn all they need to know.  They work very hard and have very strong legs.  They dance on the tips of their toes and spin around and around.


Answer the questions below.


Tap dancers have flat pieces of metal on their shoes called





Dancing is moving to


Square dancing is done when a man and a woman stand in a and listen to a "caller."


can tell a story. 


In ballet, the dancers tell a story through the way they .


Ballet dancers dance on the tips of their .

dancers move their feet quickly.
A "caller" is a person who calls out what to do next in
tap dancing.


square dancing.



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