
2-16 Jane Goodall

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Jane Goodall

  Jane wanted to learn more about a type of monkey called the chimpanzee.  She traveled to Africa to study and learn more about this animal.  She would sit on a hill and watch chimpanzees for hours.  She learned many things about them.  She found out they have many feeling like humans do.  They kiss, hold hands, hug and pat each other.  She even saw mother chimpanzees tickle their babies.

  She found out that chimpanzees also use tools.  Jane saw them take long pieces of grass and dip them into holes.  When they pulled the grass out, it was covered with bugs which they would eat.

  Jane Goodall helped many people learn more about chimpanzees.


Answer the questions below.


Jane Goodall helped others

learn all about Africa.

find bugs. 

learn more about chimpanzees.


Chimpanzees are much like .


Jane traveled to .


Chimpanzees used grass to catch .


A chimpanzee is a kind of .


Jane saw mother chimpanzees their babies.

Chimpanzees hold and hug each other.
Jane Goodall learned about chimpanzees by
reading about them in a book.

watching movies.

visiting them in Africa.



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