

There are many kinds of squirrels.

Gray squirrels are larger than red squirrels.

Fox squirrels are a reddish brown color.

There is even a flying squirrel.

It does not fly.  It glides through the air.

All squirrels have bushy tails.

They eat seeds and fruits.

They also eat some insects and snails.

They also eat corn and corn plants that farmers plant.

Some people hunt them and eat them.

Their fur is also worth money.

Squirrels belong to the family called rodents.


Answer the questions below.


How many different kinds of squirrels did you read about?





squirrels are larger than red squirrels.


A flying squirrel does not . It .


What kind of tails do squirrels have?   





Some people hunt squirrels and them. 


Squirrel fur is worth .


Squirrels like to eat seeds, fruits, insects, and .

Squirrels belong to the family called .



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