
1-24 The Fish Market

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The Fish Market

Mom and I went to the fish market.

It is a place I like to visit.

The smell of fish fills the air.

I like to look at all of the different kinds of fish.

There are too many different kinds to count.

The really big fish are called tuna.

The salmon are big too!

Mom and I see many pails full of fresh haddock.

Big tanks are filled with fresh lobster.

The lobsters are fun to watch!

They have very big claws.

I put my face right up to the glass tank and look at them.

They look at me too!

"What should we buy for supper?" Mom asks me.

"I would like salmon," I tell her.

We buy some salmon and stop at the next market for fresh bread.

"I can hardly wait to eat, Mom." 

"Let's hurry home."


Answer the questions below.


This story is all about going to a market.


The really big fish are called .


Big tanks are filled with fresh .


The tanks are made of .


Mom buys for supper.


We stop at another market to buy fresh .


Lobsters have very big .

Mom and I see pails filled with fresh .
The of fish fill the air at the fish market.



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