
In a Tree

My friend Max went to the park with me.

We played on the swings.

We played in the sandbox.

We climbed a great big tree.

Max climbed up very high and sat down.

I climbed up and sat down by him.

We looked around us.

The leaves were green and smelled sweet. 

The branches were brown.

There were little apples on the tree.

We saw two red birds sitting on a branch.

We saw a nest with three blue eggs in it.

We saw a fuzzy worm crawl by us.

We saw a big, orange butterfly.

The butterfly flew down to the ground.

Max and I climbed down the tree.

We ran after the big, orange butterfly.

It flew and flew and flew.

It stopped at Max's house.

The big, orange, butterfly had taken us home!


Answer "Yes" or "No"


This story is about two friends.


One of the friends in this story is a dog.

The friends are playing at the zoo.


Max climbs up the tree first.


The leaves on the tree were many colors.


A fuzzy worm was crawling on the tree.


There were black and red birds sitting in the tree.


The nest in the tree was empty.

The apples on the tree were little.
We saw a small butterfly.
A cat chased the butterfly away.
The butterfly went to Max's house.
At the end of this story the friends are lost.



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