
1-10 The Big Storm

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The Big Storm

It was a sunny day.

Then it started getting dark.

The sky was getting cloudy.

The clouds were big and black.

It started to get very windy.

The big trees were bending.

The leaves were blowing off the trees.

My brother and I ran into the house.

It started to rain.

First it rained little drops, then big drops.

My brother and I watched the storm from my bedroom window.

It was fun to see the raindrops hit the window.

It was fun to see the wind blow the trees.

Then the rain and wind stopped.

The sun began to shine again.

We went outside and played in the puddles.


Answer the questions below.


As the story begins, it is a day.


The clouds were big and .


The big were bending in the wind.


The were blowing off the trees.


My brother and I into the house.


First it rained little drops then drops.


We watched the raindrops hit the bedroom .

Then the and wind stopped.
We went outside and in the puddles.



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