1. The Logan family has many strong values.
Some of these include: self-respect, caring, completion of tasks, and
honesty. Give examples of each of these that you found throughout
the book.
2. Do you think the Logan family will ever
discuss the fire in the cotton field?
3. Imagine that you find a time capsule that was
buried by Cassie in 1933. What items do you think you will find
inside and why?
4. Make a prediction as to what you think will
happen to T. J.
5. Do you think Cassie will ever go to high
school or college?
6. In Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry, Cassie is kept from achieving all that she dreams
of. Make a prediction as to what Cassie would have become if
racial prejudice were not a part of her life when she was growing up.