Possible Answers
1. Make a prediction to as what you believe
killed Cock Robin. Use the information you have gathered from
Chapters One and Two to support your prediction.
Possible Answer: I believe Cock Robin was killed by the chemicals
being dumped into the river by the Missatonic Mill. Tony has
gathered evidence using the water testing kit. The evidence
indicates that there is something wrong with the water in the Missatonic
River. The notes Tony and his brother have also document problems
with the robins such as thin egg shells, a lack of singing, and the
deaths of young robins.
2. Compare and contrast the city in which you
live to Saddleboro.
Possible Answer: The city of Saddleboro and the city in which I live
are similar in several ways. In addition to having a polluted
river, the air in the city I live in has terrible air quality due to the
many industries. I live in a city with many industries whereas
Tony lives in a city in which one industry seems to be the major
polluter. I also believe the city of Saddleboro is much smaller
than the city I live in. Some other similarities include areas of
wilderness and wetlands. A difference between the two cities is
the fact that I live in a very mountainous region and the book doesn't
mention any mountains located in the city in the book. Another
thing shared by both cities is the fact that both communities have
a group of people who believe in and are committed to making cities
cleaner and healthier for its citizens.
3. Give an example of your favorite harbinger of
spring and explain why.
Possible Answer: My favorite harbingers of spring are tulips,
daffodils and hyacinths. I can't wait to see the tiny green
shoots come through the earth. In a matter of a few days they are
tall and blossoming. When the beautiful colors come forth, it is a
beautiful sign of what is to follow.