
604-1 The Indian in the Cupboard (13-16)

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Indian in the Cupboard

1.  The climax of a story is the point when the problem is solved or there is a major turning point.  Can you find the climax to this story?

2.  Did you like the way Omri solved his problems?  What are other ways he could have solved them?

3.  Why was it important to Omri that he return the little people to their times?  Explain why.

4.  Which do you think had the magic, the cupboard or the key?  Choose one and give reasons for your answer.

5.  Now that you have finished reading The Indian in the Cupboard, do you have some questions that were left unanswered such as:
-Did Omri's mother know that the key was magic?
-How did Little Bear raise the big beams of the long house by himself?
-Didn't Omri ever feel guilty about keeping Little Bear prisoner?
-After the trouble between Little Bear and Boone began the first morning, why didn't Omri send Boone back?
Make a list of additional questions you have.



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