Possible Answers
1. Do you think Maniac should have run away from Aunt
Dot and Uncle Dan's house in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania? Explain your
Possible Answer: I think he should have run away. I would
have done the same thing. He thought it was very unfair that he
had to live in a house where people hated each other. The only
reason his aunt and uncle stayed together was because of their
religion. Maniac was looking for happiness. He
deserved happiness and a family that loved him. For these reasons
he ran away, and I agree with his decision.
2. Make a list of phrases that describe the
character Amanda Beale.
Possible List of Phrases: a grade school student, very friendly
girl, a person who loved to read books, a friendly girl, someone who
shares, a trusting person
3. Why do you think the author uses the words
"cool times ten" to describe Maniac Magee?
Possible Answer: I think Jerry Spinelli used this to try to
explain to the reader how cool Maniac really is. Cool times ten
gives the reader the idea that Maniac is not someone who you should feel
sorry for, but rather someone who can survive anything. As I
continue to read I understand that this is indeed true because of the
many things he is able to accomplish on his own. Maniac Magee
doesn't let anything or anybody get in his way. I agree. I
think he is not only cool! He is cool times ten!
4. Why did Maniac go unnoticed at the Pickwell
dinner table?
Possible Answer: He went unnoticed at their home because it was
a house filled with many people. There were always so many people
there no one would notice another person or another mouth to feed.
5. Maniac ran the steel rails of the railroad
tracks. Why is this unique?
Possible Answer: This is something unique because it is very
difficult to do. It is difficult to keep your balance and walk on
the steel rails of the railroad tracks. What Maniac was able to do
is almost unbelievable. He would have to have an incredible sense
of balance to accomplish this!