
504 The BFG (19-24)

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Lesson List


1.  What does the Queen share with Mary as soon as she wakes up?

She tells her she would like bacon and eggs for breakfast.

She tells her she would like her to arrange a shopping trip.

She tells her about a terrible dream she had.

2.  How was it discovered that Sophie was sitting on the Queen's windowsill?

Mary the maid pulled the curtains aside.

Sophie jumped from behind the curtains into the Queen's bedroom.

The wind blew the curtains aside.

3.  The reader finds out in Chapter 19 why the BFG speaks a bit funny.  What is the reason?

He has never gone to school.

He is stupid.

He has a hearing problem.

4.  What drink is the BFG served with his breakfast which he finds filthsome, and suggests everyone drink frobscottle instead?


orange juice


5.  After realizing that the story told by the BFG is indeed true, who does the Queen summon to help her?

The Head of the Army and the Head of the Air Force

The King of England

The Police

6.  Why was the BFG not afraid to travel to Giant Country in broad daylight?

He had the Queen of England sitting in his ear.

The Giants were all dead.

He was doing it for the Queen of England.

7.  Why was the BFG not afraid to be lowered into the pit to untie the the giants?

They were his friends.

Giants never eat giants.

They were all sleeping.

8.  Who volunteered to give the BFG lessons every day?


the Queen of England

Mary, the maid

9.   What is the name of the book written by the BFG?

Don't Feed the Giants


Sophie and the Queen of England

10.  The BFG used someone else's name instead of his own because he was a very modest giant.  What is the meaning of the word "modest?"


not boastful, somewhat shy




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