
504-2 The BFG (19-24)

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1. Think of and explain another way the Army could have transported the nine giants back to England.
Possible Answer:  The Army could have used tranquilizer guns to tranquilize them for a certain amount of time.  They could have then attached a parachute to each gian, and dropped them so they landed in the huge hole they dug for them in England.


2.  Why do you think the pilots could not find Giant Country on the atlas?
Possible Answer:  I don't think they could find it because it's not on any atlas.  There's no such thing as Giant Country.  Unless you believe in giants.


3. The BFG makes the comment, "Curiosity is killing the rat."  What is the correct way to say this and what does it mean?
Possible Answer:  He means "Curiosity is killing the cat."  This means that if a cat gets too nosey or curious, it can cause him to lose its life.


4. The BFG was allowed to go galloping off to any place in England to blow dreams into the windows of sleeping children.  Compare him to someone else who visits children and brings them happiness.
Possible Answer:  The Tooth Fairy is another person who visits children and brings them happiness.  When a child loses his or her tooth, it is put under their pillow before they go bed at night.  The Tooth Fairy comes while the child is sleeping and takes the tooth, leaving money in its place.


5. Do you believe this book was written by the BFG?  Explain.
Possible Answer:  Human beans have problems believing something if they can't see it with their own eyes.  This is the one thing I learned while reading this book.  I can't see the north wind, but I know it's there.  I can feel it.  So, I do believe this book was written by a giant.



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