2. How did Leigh's mom respond when he asked her
if she still loved his dad?
She said
she didn't.
She said
she never did.
She said, "Please
don't ask me."
3. What is the title of Leigh's first story that
he's trying to write for Young Writers?
Ways to
Catch a Lunchbag Thief
Your Dog
My Dad is a Truck
4. Mr. Fridley says that Leigh scowls all of the
time. What is the meaning of the word "scowls"?
joking and
having a frown
looks angry
5. Where did Leigh go for a walk on the day he
felt rotten?
He went to
see the Butterfly Trees.
He went to the library.
He went to the zoo to
look at the animals.
6. What did Leigh's father tell him to do with
the twenty dollar bill he sent him?
He should
go buy a new dog.
should put it in the bank.
He should go buy an
ice cream cone.
7. Where does Leigh buy a black lunch box?
at a
thrift shop
at the mall
at the neighbor's
garage sale
8. Who was the first person Leigh showed his
burglar alarm to?
his teacher
his mom
9. Who tells Leigh he would like an alarm like he
has to put on his bedroom door?
Mr. Fridley
10. Why does Leigh not consider himself medium
after all?
He has a
People were
paying attention to him and the alarm he made.
His teacher is paying
attention to him.
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