Possible Answers
1. Leigh's father doesn't keep his promises.
Why do you think he doesn't?
Possible Answer: I think it is hard for him to keep his
promises because he doesn't live with him. Another reason might be
that he travels a lot. It must be very difficult to have a good
relationship with his son since he doesn't do what he says he is going
to do. I feel bad for Leigh.
2. Do you think it was Leigh's father's fault
for losing Bandit? Explain your answer.
Possible Answer: Yes, I think it was his fault. He was
responsible for him. Who else's fault would it be? He should
have been more careful and checked on him more closely. He hurt
his son's feeling again.
3. Explain how Leigh's mother and father are
Possible Answer: Leigh's father is in love with trucking and
traveling. He also doesn't seem to think that his son is very
important. He makes time for lots of other things and puts his son
after the other things. His mom makes sure that he is well taken
care of. She also lives with him and makes sure that he does his
homework and is fed and taken care of every day. Even though she
works and goes to school, she thinks Leigh is the most important thing
in her life.
4. What do you think of Leigh's father's
suggestion for solving his lunch problem?
Possible Answer: I think his dad gave him a very bad
solution. Leigh will only get in trouble if he punches someone.
5. Would you be angry about hearing another
boy's voice on the phone if you were in Leigh's place? Explain.
Possible Answer: I would be very angry too! Leigh loves
his dad very much. All he wants is his dad to love him and make
time for him. When he hears another boy's voice on the phone it
must really hurt. He probably thinks his dad is paying attention
to some other kid and not his own.