
407 Mr. Potter's Pet (3 & 4)

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1.  Why did the boy reply to Mr. Potter's shouts for Everest, "on the border between Nepal and Tibet."

Those are the names of the streets where he had seen Mr. Potter's bird.

That is where Mt. Everest is located.

He was trying to trick him.

2.  What does the author tell you the reader about homing pigeons?

They return back home.

They never return.

They change homes all of the time.

3. What reasons did Everest give for his return?

He missed Mr. Potter and he was hungry.

He was hungry, cold, and there were too many cats.

He didn't want to return to the pet shop.

4.  Everest began to preen himself.  What is the meaning of the word preen?

to trim or dress with the bill

to bite the toenails

to hop very high

5.  What word should replace the word 'mynah,' in the following quote from Everest?  "No problem there.  Not even a mynah one."




6.  For what action did Mr. Potter say, "I beg your pardon. I was forgetting my manners?

He drank milk from the carton.

He spilled food on the floor.

He belched loudly.

7.  At the end of Chapter 3 what does Everest suggest Mr. Potter needs?

Someone to help him keep house.

He needs another pet.

He needs to start drinking more tea.

8.  Why was Mr. Potter able to quit his job?

He had saved all of the money he ever made.

He received a lot of money from the company because the can of crab caused his parents' death.

His parents left him all of their money.

9.  Who saved Mr. Potter from being cornered by the first housekeeper to come to his house?

He saved himself when he spoke his mind.

Everest saved him.

The neighbor saved him.

10.  What does Mr. Potter believe might be true about the third person to apply for the job of housekeeper?

He thinks he needs a male housekeeper.

He doesn't think she will work out.

He thinks she sounded all right and just might be the one.



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