Possible Answers
1. Why do you think drought and famine are
hardest on the very young and the very old?
Possible Answer: I think drought and famine are hardest on them
because they are the weakest.
2. The little girl in this story made a big
sacrifice. Write about a time you have made a big sacrifice and
tell why you did so?
Possible Answer: One time I made a sacrifice was at
Christmas. Two years ago our family decided to not buy presents
for each other. We did this because we really didn't need
anything. Instead we bought presents for a poor family that lived
in our city. On Christmas Eve we went to their house and gave them
the presents. It was a sacrifice for me, but it also made me feel
very good.
3. Make a list of words that describe the little
girl in this story?
Possible Answer: brave, scared, lonely, popular, pretty, sad
4. On the last page "Author's Notes"
you learn about why the flowers were called bluebonnets? Do you
agree or disagree with this explanation? Why?
Possible Answer: I agree with the explanation. I think it
is a great way to explain the shape of the flower.
5. Tomi DePaola is the author and illustrator of
this story. Do you like the story or the illustrations better?
Possible Answer: I like both. It is hard for me to choose
one or the other. I like the author and his illustrations very
much. I think they are both very important in telling this story.