1. Who is the main character in this book going
to sit in a big rocking chair with when he is old with him?
2. Where will they go fishing?
In an old
pond with flat rocks all around.
an ocean.
In a river with flat
rocks all around.
3. Where will they play cards all day?
At the
kitchen table.
On the
front porch.
Underneath the old
tree by the road.
4. What will they find in the old cedar chest?
books and
clothes from
Granddaddy's grandadddy
Granddaddy's toy
5. When might they cry together?
As they
sing old songs.
As they
remember Grandmother.
As they look at old
6. What will they only eat for breakfast?
7. What do they plan to see on a road trip?
New York
baseball game
the ocean
8. When the trip is over what do they plan to do?
pictures of New York, so they'll never forget it.
the ocean as far as they can, so they'll never forget it.
Buy a baseball cap.
9. As they ride together on the tractor what will
they remember?
They will
remember when a field was a forest.
will remember when cows used to graze there.
They will remember
planting corn in the field.
10. At the end of their walk what will they do?
will eat popcorn.
They will sit down in rocking
They will go for
another ride.
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