Possible Answers
1. Why do you think the Princess's mother is not
mentioned in the book?
Possible Answer: I think she is not mentioned because she is
2. Who is your favorite character?
Possible Answer: My favorite character is the Court
Jester. I liked the way he would think about things. He
would decide to ask the Princess what she wanted. Other people
made excuses for not getting what the King asked for. The Court
Jester gave the Princess just what she wanted every time.
3. Which of the reasons for not getting the moon
did you like the best and why?
Possible Answer: My favorite reason was that it is 150,000
miles away and made of green cheese. I think this idea was the
funniest of all.
4. Do you think Princess Lenore gets anything
she wants? Why?
Possible Answer: Yes, I think the Princess gets anything she
wants. I think she is spoiled by her father the King. All
she has to do is ask for something and he makes sure she gets it.
It doesn't make any difference how hard it is to get. She will
always get what she wants.
5. Do you like the ending of this book?
Possible Answer: I liked the ending very much. I think
Princess Lenore is a very smart girl. I liked the way she
explained the reason for there being a moon in the sky and one around
her neck.