1. What is the strange round shiny thing the man
brought home with him?
a key
a mirror
2. Why did the man hide the round shiny thing in
a trunk?
He was
afraid it would lose its magic.
was afraid someone would steal it.
He was afraid he would
lose it.
3. What did the man's wife see when she looked
into the mirror?
She saw a
She saw her
husband laughing at her.
She saw a pretty young
4. What did the mother-in-law see when she looked
in the mirror?
She saw an
old crone.
She saw a
pretty young wife.
She didn't see
5. What did the mother-in-law say to her son's
be so silly."
just foolish jealousy."
"I am angry
6. What did the father-in-law see when he looked
in the mirror?
He saw the
neighbor's grandpa.
saw his wife.
He saw a handsome
young man.
7. What did the little son see when he looked in
the mirror?
He saw the
neighbor's grandpa.
saw a little boy with a nice round pebble in his hand.
He saw a handsome
young man.
8. Why did the neighbor shout, "You big fat
bully?" "How dare you hurt little children?"
The little
son told him to yell.
looked in the mirror.
The little boy was
9. How did the mirror get broken?
The boy
threw it to the ground.
The man
threw it to the ground.
The man banged his
fist into it..
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