
204 The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash

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1.  Why was a cow crying?

She was hungry.

She broke her leg.

A haystack fell on her.

2.  What was the farmer yelling at to get off of the school bus?




3.  Why didn't the pigs have anything to eat but the lunches on the bus?

The children threw the pigs' corn at each other.

They ate all of their corn for breakfast.

The farmer did not feed them in the morning.

4.  What were the children throwing before they started throwing the corn?

their lunches



5.  What pet did Jimmy bring along to the farm?

a boa constrictor

a hamster

a dog

6.  What broke on top of Jenny's head and got all over her hair?

a carton of milk

an egg

her glasses

7.  When did the children stop throwing the pigs' corn?

When the farmer told them to stop.

When Mrs. Stanley, their teacher told them to stop.

When the farmer's wife started screaming.

8.  Why did the children leave without the boa constrictor?

Mrs. Stanley made them get on the bus.

The farmer said they had to leave.

The farmer's wife said they had to leave.

9.  Why wasn't Jimmy unhappy about leaving his pet behind?

He didn't like the boa constrictor.

He now has a pet pig.

He now has a pet chicken.

10.  What did Jimmy's boa constrictor do on the farm the day of the field trip?

It ate the wash.

It ate the chicken eggs.

It scared all of the farm animals.



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