
203 William's Doll

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1.  Why did William was a doll?

He didn't have any friends to play with.

He wanted to be its father.

His sister had a doll, and he wanted one too.

2.  What did the boy next door call William?

a creep

a sissy

a baby

3.  What did William's father ask him?

"How would you like a truck?"

"How would you like a doll?"

"How would you like a basketball?"

4.  William wanted a doll just like the girl who lived next door.  What is the neighbor girl's name?




5.  What did William practice and get very good at?

He practiced playing basketball.

He practiced playing with the neighbor's doll.

He practiced playing the piano.

6.  What was the second thing William's father brought home for him to play with?

a baseball and a bat

an electric train and tracks

a baby sister

7.  Who comes to visit William one day?

his uncle

his mother

his grandmother

8.  What does William's grandmother say when he tells her he wants a doll?

She said, "Wonderful!"

She said, "No, you should get a toy truck instead."

She said, "You are a boy."

9.  What does his grandmother say when he tells her others call him a creep and a sissy?

She says, "I agree."

She says, "Nonsense."

She says, "Just listen to your father."

10.  How does William's father feel when grandmother buys William a doll?

He is angry.

He is happy.

He doesn't care.

11.  What does William's grandmother say to William's dad when he asks, "Why does he need a doll?"

She says, "Be kind to your son."

She says, "Don't make fun of him."

She says, "He needs it."

12.  What will William practice doing now that he has a doll?

He will practice being a father.

He will practice basketball more.

He will only play with his doll.



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