1. What is Martha very fond of making all day
tomato soup
split pea soup
2. What does George hate more than anything else
in the world?
split pea
his family
3. What does Martha tell George when he tells her
he didn't want to hurt her feelings?
She said
friends should always tell each other the truth.
said her feelings were hurt.
She said she didn't
4. What did Martha offer to make since neither of
them liked split pea soup?
different kind of soup
chocolate cake
chocolate chip cookies
Story Number Two
The Flying Machine
5. Why does Martha think that George cannot fly?
She knows
a hippopotamus cannot fly.
thinks the basket might be too heavy.
She thinks the balloon
is too little.
6. George agrees with Martha. What does he
do next?
He blows
air into the balloon.
gets a bigger balloon.
He climbs out to make
the basket lighter.
7. Why is Martha not sad about the flying machine
taking off into the sky?
She wants
George on the ground with her.
was afraid George might get hurt flying.
She wanted to go along
with George.
Story Number Three
The Tub
8. Who did George see when he peeked into the
He saw his
mother taking a bath.
saw Martha taking a bath.
He saw Martha giving
the dog a bath.
9. What did Martha do to show she was very angry
with George?
She put
the bathtub on his head.
hit him with the bath brush.
She said, "You
are not my friend."
Story Number Four
The Mirror
10. What does Martha enjoy doing, even during the
likes to look at herself in the mirror.
She likes to comb her
hair while looking in the mirror.
She likes to brush her
teeth while looking in the mirror.
11. What does George do to the mirror?
He pastes a silly
picture he has drawn to it.
He paints it black.
He breaks it.
12. Why does Martha promise not to look in the
mirror too much anymore?
She couldn't because
the mirror was broken.
She was scared because
she looked different.
She didn't want George
to be angry.
The Last Story
The Tooth
13. How did George break off his right front
He fell while skating
to the store.
He broke it when he
was brushing his teeth.
He fell while skating
to Martha's house.
14. With what did the dentist replace George's
missing tooth?
He replaced it with a
smaller tooth.
He replaced it with a
lovely gold tooth.
He replaced it with a
tooth just like his favorite one.
15. What did Martha say when she saw George's new
She said he looked
handsome and distinguished.
She said she didn't
like his new tooth.
She said it was too
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