
108 Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat

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1.  Who said everyone could play baseball?


Mr. Spano


2.  What two things did the children have to do?

Try hard, and keep their eyes on the ball.

Hit and run fast.

Catch the ball and throw it to the pitcher.

3.  Who was up to bat first at practice?




4.  How did Ronald Morgan hold the bat?

just right

He held the wrong end.

He held it with only one hand.

5.  What did Tom say when the ball hit Ronald in the knee?

"Are you hurt?"

"Ronald Morgan is the worst."

"You just struck out!"

6.  What does Miss Tyler tell Ronald?

"Keep trying and you will get better."

"You should not play baseball."

"You have to hit the ball before it hits you."

7.  What did Ronal Morgan do when the team was running the bases?

He ran the wrong way.

He fell in the mud.

He cried.

8.  Why did Ronald miss the ball the day they were working on catching?

He forgot his glasses.

He didn't have his glove on the right hand.

He was scratching letters in the mud with a stick.

9.  Why can't Ronald hit or catch a ball?

He is afraid of the ball.

He can't see the ball.

He really doesn't want to play baseball.

10.  Why did Ronald hit the third ball his father threw to him?

He was lucky.

He opened his eyes and swung.

He had been practicing.

11.  Ronald decided to stay on the team because he had spirit, he could sometimes hit the ball, and

his parents said he had to.

he thinks the team needs him.

he wants to be with his best friend.



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