
105 At The Crossroads

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1.  Where have the fathers been working for ten months?

In the country.

In the mines.

In the city.

2.  What do the children do with the water?

They drink it.

They carry it.

They wash in it.

3.  What hymn do the children sing in school?

"Our fathers are coming home today."

"We love school."

"Twinkle, twinkle little star."

4.  Zola plays a guitar.  Sipho plays a drum.  What does Nomsa play?

A stick.

A can with pebble in it.

A guitar like Zola.

5.  What does Mr. Sisulu do?

He closes his store and plays his drum.

He goes to the store.

He makes a drum.

6.  It is dark now.  Who is still waiting?


The whole city.

Six boys and girls.

7.  Mother comes to the crossroads when it is very dark?  What does she bring?


water to drink


8.  What do the children do to keep Zolani awake?

They give him food to eat.

They sing to him.

They tell him stories.

9.  What animal do the children hear in the morning?

a dog

a rooster

a cat

10.  What does Mr. Sisulu tell the children?

"You should go home now."

"Your fathers will be home soon."

"It's a long way from the mines."

11.  How do the children feel when their fathers come home?

They are very happy and sing, "Our fathers are home."

They are very tired.

They are scared



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