When you compare numbers, you begin by comparing the numbers in the
largest place value. For example:
Compare 2,096 and 12,453
Begin with the place value furthest to the
In the number 2,096 the digit 2 is in the thousands place value.
In the number 12,453 the digit 1 is in
the ten thousands place value.
The ten thousands place value is larger than the thousands place value.
Ten thousands
is greater than two thousands.
We use the following signs to compare numbers:
< means less than,
> means greater
than, and = means equal to.
In the example above then 2,096
< 12,453.
Here are some more examples.
2,534 < 3,728
34,876 > 23,978
675 = 675
Compare the following numbers and place the correct sign in the box.
450 300
2700 3000
11,900 10,000
2900 3100
129,567 345,976
382 382
2,001 2,003
97,999 100,000
449 500
4,319 3,319
978,978 789,789
2,407 2,408
19,792 19,692
8,972,001 8,962,002
16 16
129,876 128,876
4,500,019 4,501,020
213 214
753 752
1,200,003 1,200,002
100 100
8,973 8,937
789,965 788,965
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