
4-13 Naming Angles & Rays

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A plane is a flat surface that goes on and on in all directions.  A plane has no thickness.  Circles and squares are plane figures because they are part of a plane.  Plane figures have definite boundaries that give them their shape, while a plane goes on forever in all directions.  A plane does not have boundaries.  Look at plane M below.

A line goes on forever in two directions.  A ray has one end point and continues in only one direction.  A ray is a part of a line.  You name a ray beginning with the end point.  Look at the ray ST below.

An angle is formed by two rays that have the same end points.  The end point the two rays share is called the vertex.  Look at angle RST below.

When you name an angle you put the vertex in the middle.

S is the vertex of angle RST.


Name the planes, rays, and angles below.




 Ray Angle E



Plane Ray



Ray Plane



Angle N Ray



Angle T Angle B



Name the angles above

Angle SY

Angle YP

Angle PQ

Angle QY

Name the angles above

Angle KB

Angle FJ

Angle CB

Angle KC



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