
3-54 Problem Solving!

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If Bob has 1/2 of one dollar and 1/4 of another dollar, how much money does Bob have in his hand?



If Shameeka stacks four cubes on a table so one side of each cube is touching the complete side of another cube, how many sides of the cubes can she see and count?



Tri-box.gif (1574 bytes)


How many different triangles can be traced in the figure above?



Jill and Tonya ran a race.  On the first lap, Jill was ahead of Tonya by 10 meters.  If Jill and Tonya continued to run at the same speeds, how many meters was Jill ahead of Tonya after 4 laps?



The quotient of two numbers is 4 and the difference is 6.

What is the smallest number?



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