Adam and Ashley want you to guess how many students are in
their classroom. Here are some clues to help you.
There are more than 29.
There are fewer than 33.
The number is not an even number.
You won't say the number when you count by tens.
How many students are in Adam and Ashley's classroom?
While in the sticker section of the store, Bill and Betty decided to put their
money together to buy their favorite stickers. Together they paid 37 cents for the
stickers. Betty's sticker cost 15 cents more than Bill's sticker. How much did
each sticker cost?
Bill's sticker cost
Betty's sticker cost
Complete the design. Quarter? Or half dollar?
Jacob and Andre are stacking boxes. The boxes are 2 high and 4 wide. How many boxes in all?
Complete the problem below.
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