Look at the coins. Do you remember what each one is worth?
Say them to yourself.
1 cent
5 cents
10 cents
25 cents
Another coin that you may see is called a half dollar. It is worth 50
cents. That is the same as 50 pennies or 2 quarters.
50 cents
Look at the picture of the dollar bill below.
One Dollar
We write one dollar like this $1.00. It is the same as 100 pennies.
This symbol $ is called a dollar sign. The numbers to the right of the decimal
point (the dot) are the cents.
For example $2.55 is 2 dollars and 55 cents.
$4.25 is 4 dollars and twenty-five cents.
You can write amounts of money using the cents sign or the dollar sign.
cents ¢
dollars $
$0.75 = 75¢
$0.35 = 35¢
Practice writing the amounts of money using the cents sign and dollar sign.
in the boxes.
one dollar and sixteen cents
$0.13 = ¢
five dollars and fifteen cents
$0.47 = ¢
two dollars and thirty-five cents
$0.59 = ¢
three dollars and thirty cents
$0.75 = ¢
four dollars and forty-two cents
$0.99 =
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