

Look at the coins.  Do you remember what each one is worth?
Say them to yourself.

PennyHead.gif (3812 bytes)
1 cent
NickelHead.gif (4795 bytes)
5 cents
DimeHead.gif (3578 bytes)
10 cents
QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)
25 cents


Another coin that you may see is called a half dollar.  It is worth 50 cents.  That is the same as 50 pennies or 2 quarters.


50 cents



Look at the picture of the dollar bill below. 

wpe1B.gif (15727 bytes)

One Dollar


We write one dollar like this $1.00.   It is the same as 100 pennies.

This symbol $ is called a dollar sign.  The numbers to the right of the decimal point (the dot) are the cents.


For example $2.55 is 2 dollars and 55 cents.

$4.25 is 4 dollars and twenty-five cents.


You can write amounts of money using the cents sign or the dollar sign.

cents ¢

dollars $

$0.75 = 75¢

$0.35 = 35¢


Practice writing the amounts of money using the cents sign and dollar sign.

Fill in the boxes.


one dollar and sixteen cents $0.13 = ¢
five dollars and fifteen cents $0.47 = ¢
two dollars and thirty-five cents $0.59 = ¢
three dollars and thirty cents $0.75 = ¢
four dollars and forty-two cents $0.99 = ¢


1Dollar.gif (15727 bytes)


QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)


QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)


DimeHead.gif (3578 bytes)DimeHead.gif (3578 bytes)


QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)DimeHead.gif (3578 bytes)


QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)QuarterHead.gif (5144 bytes)



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