

A fraction is part of something.

You have already learned wpe29.gif (913 bytes), Frac.1_3.gif (914 bytes), and Frac.1_4.gif (916 bytes).


wpe29.gif (913 bytes) (one half is red)


Frac.1_3.gif (914 bytes) (one third is blue)


Frac.1_4.gif (916 bytes) (one fourth is green)


Here is what Frac.1_5.gif (914 bytes) looks like.


Frac.1_5.gif (914 bytes) (one fifth is purple)


Fractions may be written like this Frac.1_5.gif (914 bytes) , or like this 1/5.

The bottom number tells how many parts in all and the top number tells the fraction of the parts.

In the fraction 1/5, there are five equal parts and one part is purple.

Look at the fractions below.  Three parts in all, two parts are blue.


2/3 is blue


Four parts in all, three are green.


3/4 is green


Practice writing fractions  Put the correct fraction in the box to the right of the image.  Do not simplify the fraction.


Four equal parts.

Two are green.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Six equal parts.

Two are ruby.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Ten equal parts.

Five are red.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Four equal parts.

Three are green.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Eight equal parts.

Five are orange.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Three equal parts.

One is blue.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Twelve equal parts.

Eight are purple.

The fraction is

spacer.gif (42 bytes)
Four equal parts.

One is green.

The fraction is



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