
2-74 Problem Solving!

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I am more than 59 and less than 70.  My ones digit is 4.

What number am I?


I am odd and less than 10.  My double is 6.

What number am I?


pennies is the same amount as $1.00.

nickels is the same amount as $1.00.

quarters is the same amount as $4.00.

dimes is the same amount as $5.00.


Use the table below to practice estimating.  Fill in the correct answer with yes or no.

$40.00 Car.gif (1566 bytes) $23.00 $20.00
$50.00 plane.gif (2739 bytes) $39.00 $10.00
$60.00 basketball.gif (1620 bytes) $51.00 $20.00


Zak has some stickers.  Guess how many.  Use these clues.

He has more than 34.

He has fewer than 40.

He has an even number of stickers.

He does not have 38 stickers.

How many stickers does Zak have?




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