Remember the signs for greater than, less than and equal to. They
look like this:
greater than >
less than <
and equal to =
Look at the numbers 546 and 645. Which number is greater?
645 is greater than 546. Look at the digits in the hundreds place. The 6
is greater than the 5, therefore 645 > 546.
If the digits in the hundreds place are the same 456 and 467, then you look at the
tens place. So 467 > 456 because 6 is greater than 5.
If the digits in the tens place are the same 331 and 336, then you look at the ones
place. So 333 > 331 because 3 is greater than 1.
Practice comparing three-digit numbers.
Fill in the boxes with < > or =.
876 __ 599
< > =
765 __ 767
< > =
348 __ 384
< > =
423 __ 432
< > =
110 __ 111
< > =
297 __ 279
< > =
598 __ 592
< > =
122 __ 122
< > =
273 __ 732
< > =
845 __ 843
< > =
321 __332
< > =
458 __ 854
< > =
643 __ 643
< > =
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