
2-59 Problem Solving!

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Your class goes to the museum for a field trip.

They arrive at 8 o'clock.


Clock8.00.gif (3017 bytes)


Fill in the boxes with the times each student left the museum.

Sam stayed for 2 hours.  Sam left at o'clock.

Ann stayed for 5 hours.   Ann left at o'clock.

Ben stayed for 3 hours.  Ben left at o'clock.

Steve stayed for 4 hours.  Steve left at o'clock.


The time is 4:45.  You are to arrive at Grandma's house in 45 minutes.   What time will you be there?


Clock4.45.gif (2921 bytes)


The movie started at 9:00.  The movie ended at 11:30.  How long was the movie?

hours and minutes.


I want to buy 8 MAGIC BEANS.  How many tokens do I need?  Look at the table below.


First 2 magic beans 5 tokens each
Other magic beans 2 tokens each


I need tokens.


Practice counting backward from 300 by tens.


300 290 280 210
200 160 110
50 10


The time is 10:05 AM.  The bus leaves at 10:15 AM.

Am I early? yes or no

Am I late? yes or no



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