
2-47 Adding and Subtracting Vertically

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One way to add two-digit numbers that are written horizontally is to write them vertically.


For example; 23 + 34 = ____, may be written as:


2 3
+ 3  4


One way to subtract two-digit numbers that are written horizontally is to write them vertically.


For example; 47 - 25 = ____, may be written as:


4 7
- 2  5


Rewrite the following problems and solve.


57 + 31 =

+ 3 1

spacer.gif (42 bytes) 24 + 45 =

+ 4 5

34 + 35 = 3 4

12 + 77 =

+ 7 7

76 - 13 =

- 1 3

52 - 21 =

- 2 1

45 - 25 = 4 5


63 - 23 =

- 2 3



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