
1-6 One More and One Less

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The number that comes after a number is always one more.

||  +  |   = |||

1 more than 2 is 3. 


|||||  +  | =   ||||||

1 more than 5 is 6.


|||||||| + | = |||||||||

1 more than 8 is 9.


Learn to count backward to find one less.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0


|||||||| - | = |||||||

7 is one less than 8.


|||| - | = |||

3 is one less than 4.


|||||| - | = |||||

5 is one less than 6.


One more or one less.  Fill in the boxes.

|| + | = |||

One more than 2 is


|||||||| + | = |||||||||

One more than 8 is


|||||| + | = |||||||

One more than 6 is


| + | = ||

One more than 1 is


||| + | = ||||

One more than 3 is


||||||||| + | = ||||||||||

One more than 9 is


|||| + | = |||||

One more than 4 is


||||| - | = ||||

One less than 5 is


||| - | = ||

One less than 3 is


|||||||||| - | = |||||||||

One less than 10 is


||||||| - | = ||||||

One less than 7 is 


|| - | = |

One less than 2 is


|||||||| - | = |||||||

One less than 8 is


|||||| - | = |||||

One less than 6 is


|||| - | = |||

One less than 4 is


||||||||| - | = ||||||||

One less than 9 is



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