We can use coins to make different amounts of
money. Five pennies make a nickel. Two nickels make a
dime. Read below as we discover ways to make change. 
1 penny,
1 cent,
or 1¢
Count by one to count pennies.
1 cent, 2 cents, 3 cents,
4 cents and so on.

1 nickel,
5 cents,
or 5¢
Count by fives to count nickels.
5 cents, 10 cents, 15 cents,
20 cents and so on.
5 pennies = 1 nickel
1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent = 5 cents or
1 nickel.

1 dime,
10 cents,
or 10¢
Count by tens to count dimes.
10 cents, 20 cents, 30 cents,
40 cents and so on.
10 pennies = 1 dime
1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent
+ 1 cent + 1 cent + 1 cent
= 10 cents or 1 dime.
2 nickels = 1 dime.
5 cents + 5 cents = 10 cents or 1 dime.

1 quarter,
25 cents,
or 25¢
Count by 25 to count quarters.
25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00 and so on.
25 pennies = 1 quarter
5 nickels = 1 quarter
2 dimes and 1 nickel = 1 quarter
List the ways to make money.
For example; 5¢ = 1
or 5 