As an avid football fan, I watch every
Green Bay Packer game that I am able to see on TV. My wife has a rudimentary
knowledge of the American game of football since her understanding of
football would be considered European. My wife spent the first 16
years of her life growing up in England before immigrating to the United
States with her parents in 1980. I enjoy explaining the intricate
details of the game to her as we watch my favorite team. It
certainly enhances our relationship when we can enjoy sharing conversation
during what might appear to be a primitive sport.
Match the definition to the word.
A. Communication between two people.
B. Considered the basic level.
C. Acquainted with the
facts or truth.
D. Hard to
understand; complicated.
E. To raise to a
higher degree.
F. To come to a country that is not native.
G. Dedicated or
H. Simple or
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