
6-9 More Root Words

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More Root Words

Study the root words and their meanings below.  Then complete the exercises to help you further understand more Root Words.


aster [star] corp [body]
cred [believe] dynam [power]
flu [flowing] grad [step, go]
homo [same] hydr [water]
leg [law] mania [madness]
numer [number] omni [every, all]
pac [peace] spir [breath]
tox [poison] therm [heat]
vac [empty] vor [eat greedily]


A corpse is a dead body.  What is the root word of corpse?
A vacant lot is an empty lot.  What is the root word of vacant?
A fluid is a substance which flows easily.  What is the root word of fluid?
Credible means offering reasonable grounds for being believed.  What is the root word of credible?
To legislate means to make laws.  What is the root word of legislate?
An asterisk is a star-like symbol.  What is the root word of asterisk?
Gradual means to proceed by steps or degrees.  What is the root word of gradual?
A carnivore is a flesh-eating mammal.  What is the root word of carnivore?
Omnipresent means present in all places at all times.  What is the root word of omnipresent?
To expire means to breathe out; to die.  What is the root word of expire?
Thermal means related to heat.  What is the root word of thermal?
Dynamic means marked by energy or power.  What is the root word of dynamic?
To pacify means to make peaceful or quiet.  What is the root word of pacify?
A maniac is a madman.  What is the root word of maniac?
Hydraulic means operated, moved, or brought about by means of water.  What is the root word of hydraulic?
Homogeneous means being the same.  What is the root word of homogeneous?
If something is toxic, it is poisonous.  What is the root word of toxic?



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More Root Words