

Suffixes are found at the end of a word.  A suffix can sometimes tell you what part of speech a word is.  Many adverbs end in the suffix ly.  Some examples of common suffixes and their meanings are:

ing [an action or process]

s [plural, more than one]

sion, tion [state of doing something]




less [without] hopeless - without hope
ist [one who]

artist - one who does art

er [one who] baker - one who bakes
ily [in some manner] happily - in a happy manner
ly [in some manner] quickly - in a quick manner
ess [female] actress - a female actor
ing [an action or process] writing - to write
y [inclined to] sticky - inclined to stick
ic [like] poetic - like poetry


Directions: Use the suffix information to complete the sentences.
without care
like metal
to recite
in a steady manner
one who specializes in biology
one who teaches
in a bashful manner
a female lion
inclined to itch
one who preaches
to speak
like rhythm
in a careful way
without effort
one who plays the piano
in a quick manner
in an incredible way
the wife or widow of a count
inclined to tears



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