
6-4 Kinds of Sentences

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Kinds of Sentences

An exclamatory sentence expresses a strong feeling.
An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point.


The chocolate ice cream was delicious!

The rainbow is so beautiful!


An imperative sentence gives a command.
An imperative sentence ends with a period.


Go to the back of the line.

Bring her the books.


Directions: Indicate if the sentence is exclamatory or imperative.
Put the correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.
Hand the "G" encyclopedia to me
What an incredible sunset
What small birds they are
Recite the alphabet backwards
Pick the apples off the largest tree
The pumpkin pie is delicious
Write the answer in Spanish
That was a great adventure
What a wonderful painting
What an odd name
Ask the physician
That's the best cookie I've ever eaten
Take a picture of the unusual airplane
The diamond is huge
Spell the word onomatopoeia



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Exclamatory or Imperative Senetences