Personal Pronouns are very useful in making sentences
shorter. However, how do you know what pronoun to use? The
personal pronoun must agree with the CASE, GENDER, and NUMBER.
Agreement in Case - Nominative
Nominative case refers to pronouns that replace the subject
of a sentence. I, we, you,
he, she, it, and they
are examples of pronouns that are nominative case.
Identify the nominative case pronouns below.
She went to the store with them.
Nominative pronoun
They gave him the academic award for his achievement.
Nominative pronoun
I went to the shopping mall yesterday with her.
Nominative pronoun
He is the best shortstop on their team.
Nominative pronoun
We always play chess on Saturday with him.
Nominative pronoun
You might think about going hunting with him.
Nominative pronoun
It was the best play performed by her.
Nominative pronoun
She is likely to bring it with her tomorrow.
Nominative pronoun
They are not going to her party.
Nominative pronoun
Give it to me now!
Nominative pronoun
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