Whether spoken or written, language can be expressed in
several different ways. Literal language is expressed
exactly as you mean it. Figurative language is a more
imaginative and colorful way to say what you mean. Scientists and
mathematicians use literal language. Their words need to be clear
and exact. Poets use figurative language to help us better
understand the words they are trying to convey to the reader.
Literal: The boat glided through the
Figurative: The boat cut through the
Literal: I'm hungry.
Figurative:I'm so hungry I could eat a
Directions: Determine whether each
sentence is an example of literal or figurative language.
Answer literal or figurative.
The baby is crying loudly.
The kite floated in the air.
The campfire was burning brightly.
The sunglasses reflected the image.
The gymnast floated through her entire routine.
Her eyes reflected a message of understanding.
The anthills were as big as mountains.
The mosquitoes were in the bushes.
Christmas songs floated through the air.
Geese sound like trumpets blaring in a concert.
The fog was as thick as pea soup.
We saw the fiery ashes come out of the
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