Personal Pronouns are very useful in making sentences
shorter. However, how do you know what pronoun to use? The
personal pronoun must agree with the CASE, GENDER, and NUMBER.
Agreement in Gender
Pronouns agree in gender. She
replaces the female gender while he replaces the male
gender. For example, "Mary lost her ring" would be
written, "She lost her ring."
While people have gender, things do not. Things
are gender neutral, such as house, door, and ring. We replace things
with the pronoun it.
Choose the correct pronoun below.
Annabelle lost (his, her)
hat in the wind.
Stephan took (his, her)
boat out fishing.
(It, His, Her)
is an amazing book.
King Richard ordered (his, her)
army to war.
Natalie wore (his, her)
dress to school.
Jimmy took his pencil, and gave (it, his, her)
to Cary.
Nobody knows (it, his, her),
but Bridget ran (it, his, her)
heat in the fastest time.
(It, His, Her)
car can go 120 mph. Malcome works
(it, his, her)
every night.
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