A simile compares two unlike things, using
the words like or as.
An image is
created when you make the comparison.
Sentence: The waves hit the beach.
Simile: The waves hit the beach like a
hammer hitting a nail.
Sentence: The snow felt soft on the
Simile: The snow felt as soft as a feather
on the ground.
A metaphor is like a simile except a metaphor
does not use the words like or as. A metaphor
asks the reader to picture one thing as if it was another thing.
Sentence: The sea was clam.
Metaphor: The sea was a sleeping giant.
Sentence: During the storm, the sea was
Metaphor: During the storm the sea was a
wild horse.
Tell whether each sentence is a simile, a metaphor,
or neither.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The mountain is like a
sleeping giant.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The mountain was a sleeping
Simile Metaphor Neither
The mountain is tall.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The car is fast.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The car is a rocket
Simile Metaphor Neither
The car is as fast as a
Simile Metaphor Neither
Jerome is as smart as a
Simile Metaphor Neither
The highway is like a busy
bee hive.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The office is busy.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The dog looked like an angry
Simile Metaphor Neither
The cat is a soft pillow.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The cat is as soft as a
Simile Metaphor Neither
The horse ran as fast as a
bolt of lightning.
Simile Metaphor Neither
Stacey read the book.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The storm hit like an angry
Simile Metaphor Neither
The ball exploded off the
hitter's bat.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The chorus sounds like the
heavens above.
Simile Metaphor Neither
The computer is as slow as a
Simile Metaphor Neither
With all the rain, the new
grass was washed away.
Simile Metaphor Neither
While on the voyage, we were
tossed around on the ship like a salad.
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