

Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings.  Here are some examples of homonyms: 

meet, meat

weak, week

hare, hair


their cellar great scene dye maid
not hear sail pear lain through
isle so there flour grate sale
here pair sew threw seller die
lane made knot aisle seen flower


Directions: Use the homonyms above.  Put the correct homonym next to the correct definition.
a single situation or conversation in a play
past and past participle of MAKE
used to make a word or group of words negative
to stop living
of or relating to them or themselves
this place
the act of selling
to stain or color usually permanently
one who sells
two things that match or are meant to be used together
past participle of SEE
that place
to make into small particles by rubbing against something rough
a narrow way or road usually between fences, hedges, or buildings
to take in through the ear
an interlacing (as of string or ribbon) that forms a lump or knob
a female servant
large in size: not little or small
a passage between sections of seats (as in a church or theater)
to join or fasten by stitches
past participle of LIE
a fleshy fruit that grows on a tree related to the apple and is commonly larger at the end opposite the stem
a plant cultivated or outstanding for its blossoms
past of THROW
a sheet of fabric (as canvas) used to catch wind to move a craft through water
finely ground powdery meal of wheat or of any cereal grain or edible seed
in a manner or way that is indicated or suggested
in at one end and out the other



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