
4-12 Fact or Opinion

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Fact or Opinion

People today live in communities that consist of people from all over the world.  The world is connected by telephone, Internet, television, and much more.  It is very important that we learn to tell the difference between fact and opinion.

Fact: Knowledge or information based on a real occurrence.

Opinion:  A view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.  A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

Read the passage below and determine whether the statements that follow are fact or opinion.

Yesterday, Jamul and Brian went fishing at Lake Winnebago.  Jamul drove his new fishing boat to the north side of the lake.  After fishing for 20 minutes, Brian caught the first fish.  It was a 23 inch Walleye.  Jamul told Brian to throw the fish back into the water because he knew they were going to catch many fish much bigger than 23 inches.

After fishing for another 30 minutes, Jamul caught a 20 inch Northern Pike.  Jamul threw the fish back because he knew that he and Brian were going to catch many more fish.

As the day went on, Brian caught two more Walleyes that were under 17 inches long.  The law states that all Walleyes under 17 inches must be released back into the water.  Brian released the Walleyes.

Jamul and Brian had now fished for four hours and the fishing was very slow.  Brian suggested they move to the west side of the lake.  Jamul felt the east side would be a better fishing spot, so he drove his boat to the east side of the lake.  After two more hours of fishing, neither fisherman had anything to show.  Both fishermen agreed that the fish weren't biting very well and that the fishing would be much better tomorrow.  So, they packed up and headed home with an empty daily bag limit.


Are the following statements FACT or OPINION?

1.  Brian and Jamul are fishermen.



2.  Brian caught a 23 inch Walleye.



3.  The fishing will be much better for Jamul and Brian tomorrow.



4.  Jamul is a better fisherman than Brian.



5.  There is a 17 inch minimum size limit on Walleyes.



6.  Fishing on the west side of the lake is better than fishing on the east side of the lake.



7.  Brian caught more fish than Jamul.



8.  The fishermen would have caught more fish if Jamul would have listened to Brian's ideas.



9.  Brian and Jamul fished for six hours.



10.  Jamul predicted that he and Brian would catch many fish over 23 inches long.




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Fact or Opinion